Google Guru: 20 Hidden Google Tricks for Schools and Classrooms

Published On: December 16th, 2016·By ·

Tips to Help You Become a Google Guru

Google Forms In The Classroom, imageAs more and more schools switch over to using Google tools, the demand for Google Gurus increases. And since Google is always evolving, reaching this demand can be an uphill climb. In Shervette Miller’s webinar, “Google Guru: 20 Hidden Google Tricks for Schools and Classrooms,” she shares some of the most overlooked Google tricks and apps for administrators, teachers, and students to help you on your journey.



Here are some tools for becoming a Google Guru that Shervette shares in her webinar:

StayFocusd – StayFocusd is a Chrome Extension that can help increase productivity. This extension will block any website you want for any amount of time you specify. You can ensure that your students are only working on their classwork by creating a list of allowed websites.

Memorize! – Memorize! is a nifty study tool to help students learn while they’re surfing the internet. Simply enter a list of questions and answers and set a time interval between questions. While students are online a question will pop up for them to answer. The questions will reappear until all are answered correctly.

Google Public Data – Google Public Data is another way to Google search. This search engine is perfect for student research. It not only helps them limit their research so they can find relevant information more easily, but it provides statistics, infographics, and demographics for the topics they’re researching.

These are only a few of the tools Shervette shares. There are so many more. For more ideas about using Google in your classroom and the best Google resources, check out a copy of the backchannel discussion for the live event.

CAUTION: You’re entering the uncharted waters of the raw, unedited, and unfiltered backchannel discussion from the live Google Guru presentation. Continue reading at your own risk…


SimpleK12 Webinar: Google Guru: 20 Hidden Google Tricks for Schools and Classrooms

Presented by: Shervette Miller-Payton

Webinar Registration:

             *****Tweet with @SimpleK12 LIVE During the Webinar #SK12*****                



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Session 1:

Session 2:

Session 3:

Session 4:

Session 5:



My Notes:

Shervette Miller-Payton

Google Guru


Google Apps

– Google Slides (Presenter View – Back Channel) start new question


Slides/Docs – comments for students – Put a plus sign in front of their name what if the email option is turned off


Docs – Edit Mode – directly or suggesting mode (leaves a color for suggesting changes)


Gmail – short cuts (would like a copy of this list)


Teaching how to search using- related:

Teaching them to use * to find quotes put * in place of word that is unknown

Google Search-

search tools malfunction use dropdown options

Images upload image and will search for similar images


Chrome extensions

– group work (time spent on task) What extension is this? Task Timer –  Simple Time Track

– Stay Focused (allows blocking of websites)

– Memorize (study tool for students – things that you want to study) Type in questions and answers (quest


Google Form


check the ratings

– If twitter is blocked or sites at school (google trends

– Google – Public Data

– Cultural Institute (Art & History) – lessons there as well as research tool

– Smarty Pins – locations, environmental studies, answer questions about maps, students drap pins to where they think the location is located

– A Google A Day – (game) test research skills, asks them a question and teaches them how to research/test skills



Google Slides

– can start new and choose accepting questions-students can ask questions about lesson

-when leaving comments, put + sign in front of e-mail and sends e-mail to person


Google Doc — leave comments for specific people…put a + sign in front of their email

Google Docs – suggested edit mode: edit it directly; suggesting mode: leaves a color and on the side it will show the suggestion left.

-editing mode automatically changes


Gmail – keyboard shortcuts available

-settings, accounts section, can send mail as other account

If you have more than one gmail you can go to settings; accounts and import, send mail as

Go to tabs titled “Labs” > canned responses (search for a lab) ability to type a template


Google Search – find similar websites: (<example)

asterisk *: How to * my life (part of a phrase that you know and use an * in the place of where the word you don't know goes.

Click on drop down below Web (Any time) students or you can limit the amount of resources that appear…past 24 hours, past week, past month, past year, etc.

-can limit search to specific time

image search-can find similar images


Chrome Extensions: Task Timer-Time spent on tasks; Stay Focused (block time-wasting websites);Tasktimer

Memorize – use to put in things that you want to study (vocabulary, info, etc.) while they are on the internet.

-questions pop up perdiodically during online use


GMail Labs – experimental stuff “canned” see settings


kids need to learn how to search!!!   **, visually similar 



check to see similar links with related


google trends, google keep,panoramio,publicdata,google arts &culture, smartypins-map games , a google a day-helps research and search operators

stayfocused keepks kids on what they are supposed to be working on



search tools – limiters


chrome extensions  –


Google Forms- CheckItOut- students can add name to what checking out and creates spreadsheet


Google Public Data- data for students to use


Google Cultural Institute- artworks, historical events and figures


Could you share your presentation please?


Cultural Institute for arts and history

Smarty Pins – a way to ask questions about maps

A Google A Day – students use keywords to search for answers, the quicker they are the more points they earn–more for middle and high school


Presenting Slides- can open speaker notes for speaker to view, but audience should not be able to see


About the Author:
Carolina Fransen is the EdTech Apps and Tools Editor at She writes regularly about the use of educational technology in K-12 classrooms, and she loves investigating teaching jobs in some of her favorite locales. If you have an app, tool, website, or service that you think we should know about, please send your information or tip to

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