Would you like to be featured on SimpleK12.com?  Do you have great advice, ideas, or thoughts to share with teachers around the world?

Submit an article to be reviewed by our editors.  If selected, you will be featured on our website for the whole world to see (a great resume builder) and will be helping millions of teachers around the world.

Here's how to get started:

Article: 300-600 words


  • Something that you do that other teachers have commented on, or liked.
  • An app, software, service, or website that is particularly helpful to you or your students.
  • How, when, and what you communicate with parents.
  • Tips for _____________.
  • A specific teacher problem that you solved.
  • Broader issues about your school, district, or state education system.


P.S. If you are an organization, a brand, or an individual with a commercial, or self-promotional interest, this form is not the best place for you.  To learn more how you can get involved, visit – //simplek12com.wpengine.com/advertise/


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