Teacher Income Rank — 10 Top Countries

Published On: January 25th, 2016·By ·

Teacher Income Highest in These Countries

Ever wondered which countries pay teachers the most? We've got a list of the top 10 countries for teacher income here. I watch social media closely and it's my job to share some of the hot topics on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and other outlets that teachers, principals, students, and parents are contributing.

Looks like it's time to move to Luxembourg. According to the World Economic Forum, Luxembourg pays teachers the most per year. The numbers are based off of lower secondary teachers with at least 10 years of experience. These numbers were gathered in 2013. Other countries in the top 10 include Germany, the United States, and England. Of course, what's not included in the results is cost of living expense per country, including taxes. It's still a fun list to look at though.

teacher's income

Did your country make the top 10? Were you surprised by any of the rankings? How different would the list look, do you think, if they recorded numbers from less experienced teachers?

Tori Pakizer is the Social Media Editor at SimpleK12.com. She writes regularly about the use of educational technology in K-12 classrooms, and specializes in how teachers use Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and other social media. You can follow Tori and SimpleK12 on Twitter @SimpleK12. If you have ideas for using social media in schools, please send your information or tip to editor@simplek12.com.

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