Extra Income from Blogging

Published On: December 6th, 2017·By ·
extra income from blogging

Heather runs a blog and consults after school.

Meet 13-year teaching veteran, Heather Brandon.

She's had multiple side gigs over the years, and currently has (at least) two extra things going:

She earns a little extra income from blogging at her professional mom site and she has an educational consulting business with her teacher mom. Well, and we heard some place that she's in an evening graduate program as well. One busy, and pretty happy, lady!

You can find her blog at Everything Happens in Threes where she writes about being a working mom, parenting, and travel, and other topics of interest to moms. We enjoyed her recent article on How to Be a Happy Working Mom.



Tell us a little about your work.
I teach high school theatre as a regular classroom teacher. In addition to that, my mom and I began a company called Learning Artistically in which we are developing online professional development courses for teachers. At the end of June 2017, I started my own parenting/lifestyle/travel blog which I write from home on the weekends and in the evenings.

What led you to working outside the classroom?
I have always been interested in writing, but only recently discovered that it is possible to make an income from blogging. My desire to write didn't come from the need for more income, but because I believe I have a perspective to share. The extra income and getting involved in the blogging community has opened my eyes to the possibilities of what kind of lifestyle I could give my family.

What advice do you have for other teachers who want to do what you do?
Just get started! You could start now, or you could be another year older without having started. I would also take a course (or several). I've learned so much and it has made me my money back and then some.

What's the biggest mistake you've made and what did you learn?
I let other people determine my happiness. In the last few years, I've become a lot braver and I go for what I want regardless of what other people think.

If you could go back and give your 20-year old self some advice, what would it be?
20-year old me was pretty great and on top of things, but I would recommend pushing through and not waiting to do things you want to accomplish like getting a Master's degree or starting a business.

If your FUTURE self in 20 years could look back at where you are today, what advice might the Future You offer the Current You?
Take time to appreciate the moment. Your kids are only this age right now and it goes quickly. Slow down and enjoy them.

When are you the happiest?
When I'm watching my kids (my own and my students) enjoy doing something they've learned.

Do you have a favorite quote or expression?
Just breathe.

If you had to do it all over again, what would you do, be, or try?
I wouldn't change much about my life because it got me where I am, but I would start writing seriously a lot sooner.

What are the 2-3 most important work-related purchases you've made in the last year?
A blogging course that really laid out monetization strategies.

If you have any questions for Heather, or anything else related to this topic (and there will be more extra teacher income profiles and stories coming soon), please leave them below in the Comments.


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