A Bookmarking Tool for Everyone

Published On: June 1st, 2016·By ·

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Are you looking for a new bookmarking tool to help you get organized? There are many free options available, but only one has a central focus on privacy.

A Bookmarking Tool for Everyone

Try out Clipix, a free bookmarking tool that anyone could benefit from.

Clipix allows teachers and students to save everything in one central place. You can bookmark, or clip, just about anything to different clipboards in your account. Photos, videos, notes, websites, even emails — clip them all and have access to them anywhere you have internet access.

One thing that sets Clipix apart from other tools is its focus on privacy. By default, your clipboards are private and kept that way unless you decide otherwise. If you want to share a clipboard with others, you can decide to create a collaborative clipboard where others can contribute.

There are a lot of free bookmarking tools out there. If you'd like to learn about some other options, here are a few resources for you to check out. I recommend trying a couple of tools out that seem like they'd fit your needs before you decide which you will adopt permanently.

7 Reasons Why Teachers Love Evernote – Learn a little about why teachers enjoy using Evernote for bookmarking. If you think Evernote is the tool for you, you may want to check out this on-demand course on the tool,  Stay Organized and Remember Everything.

Symbaloo: Visual Bookmarking Made Simple For Teachers – Symbaloo is an interesting tool that you can use to create custom homepages or search boards for students. If you've interested to learn more in-depth about Symbaloo, check out this on-demand course, Discover an Easy Way to Organize, Access, and Share Web Resources.

Go From Overwhelmed to Organized with 5 Free Web Tools – Finally, for a look at a few different tools including Evernote, Symbaloo, and others, this on-demand course walks you through the basics of some great organization and bookmarking tools.

Do you have a free tool that you use to stay organized in, and out, of the classroom? Tell me about it in a comment on this article.

Kimber Thompson is a Lead Moderator for SimpleK12 webinars and a Contributing Editor for SimpleK12.com. She writes frequently about education topics, and is passionate about tools and techniques that inspire young learners. You may reach her with ideas and comments at editor@simplek12.com.

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