Where to Find Primary Source Documents

Published On: November 30th, 2016·By ·

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Primary source documents are an important part of any history, social studies, or English language arts classroom.

Where to Find Primary Source Documents

DocsTeach.org is a wonderful resource for finding primary source documents.

Check out the video above as SimpleK12 technology trainer Monica Burns shares how to find some phenomenal primary source documents with DocsTeach. This resource is so simple to use, she explains the ins and outs of how to get started in less than 3 minutes.

DocsTeach is an online tool for educators that provides access to thousands of primary source documents. Letters, photographs, speeches, posters, maps, videos, and other related goodies, this is a must-have resource for anyone teaching American History, or related topics.

Monica explains how you can get the most out of this free resource with your students.

My favorite part about DocsTeach is all of the outlined activities already available. While you can use the resources to build your own activities, there are many activities already outlined and built that are at your disposal. It's simple to do a quick search by grade level, thinking skill, or activity type to find the right activity for your classroom.

For more on discovering primary sources, check out Where in the World Can I Find Primary Sources. This online training video explores how to search for primary sources using the Library of Congress website, as well as other free resources.

Where do you locate primary sources for your classroom? Let me know in a comment on this article

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About Our “Primary Source Documents” Presenter
Monica Burns is an Education Consultant, EdTech Blogger, and Apple Distinguished Educator. Monica works with teachers to make technology integration exciting and accessible at all grade levels. She has conducted well over 40 unique training sessions for SimpleK12, click here to take a look at more videos from Monica.

About the Author
Kimber Thompson is a Lead Moderator for SimpleK12 webinars and a Contributing Editor for SimpleK12.com. She writes frequently about education topics, and is passionate about tools and techniques that inspire young learners. You may reach her with ideas and comments at editor@simplek12.com.

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