GAFE Schools – Organize Everything with Google Classroom

Published On: August 26th, 2016·By ·

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Attention Google Apps for Education Schools – you need to prioritize using Google Classroom to get organized and streamline your assignments.

Organize Everything with Google Classroom

Stay streamlined and get organized with Google Classroom.

Do you wish you had a central place to keep track of all of the Google tools you're using in school? In the above 3-Minute Classroom Problem Solver video, Kim Munoz shows how you can use Google Classroom to organize everything Google; and, with all that Google has to offer, that's a mighty nice set of tools to have.

Google Classroom is, at its simplest, a way to manage your classroom. You can create assignments, send feedback, and keep everything organized in one central place inside your account. You do need to have a Google Apps for Education account (provided by your school) in order to access Google Classroom at this time. So if this is something you have access to at this time, you should definitely consider setting your students up inside a classroom account.

If you'd like to get more in-depth about using this great tool, I recommend the training session from the Teacher Learning Community (SimpleK12), Google Classroom: An Intro to Saving Time, Staying Organized, and Improving Communication. Join experienced technology specialist Jerry Swiatek as he discusses various features of the tool, as well as the requirements, and explains how it goes hand-in-hand with Google Apps for Education, Google Drive, and Google Docs. He also shows how you can use it to reduce paperwork and efficiently manage the document and assignment workflow between teachers and students to help keep everyone organized. Look at Classroom from both the teacher and student sides in order to give you the best idea of what it looks like, and how it can benefit teachers and students alike.

Do you use Google Classroom with your students? Tell me your favorite thing about this tool in a comment on this article.

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About Our “Organize Everything with Google Classroom” Presenter
Kim Munoz is an Instructional Technologist for Franklin ISD and a former Bryan ISD middle school technology teacher with over 16 years of teaching experience. She has conducted well over 50 unique training sessions for SimpleK12, click here to take a look at more videos from Kim.

About the Author
Kimber Thompson is a Lead Moderator for SimpleK12 webinars and a Contributing Editor for She writes frequently about education topics, and is passionate about tools and techniques that inspire young learners. You may reach her with ideas and comments at

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