How to Make Worksheets Talk

Published On: October 11th, 2016·By ·

Would your students benefit from hearing verbal instructions from you along with the worksheets you distribute in class? Let's learn how you can make worksheets talk.

How to Make Worksheets Talk

Make worksheets talk with Vocaroo. It's quick, easy, and free!

In the above 3-Minute Classroom Problem Solver video, Monica Burns explains step-by-step how to add audio instructions to your worksheets with Vocaroo.

Vocaroo is a free online recording tool. It uses the microphone built into your computer or mobile device. It's one of the simplest tools out there. Simply click record, and when you stop recording your file is available. Monica also explains how you can use the QR code given by Vocaroo to include instructions on your worksheets. This gives students the chance to scan the QR code for more information, if they need it.

Interested in learning about more free tech tools to use in the classroom? Take a look at 20 Free Tech Tools to Make Your Job Easier, an online training session created by teachers, for teachers. Join SimpleK12's Teacher Learning Community Manager Lori Maldonado for a fast-paced, informative showcase of free online tech tools and walk away with fresh ideas and tools to enhance your classroom and lesson plans.

Have you used Vocaroo before? Tell me how you like to use this tool in a comment on this article.

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About Our “How to Make Worksheets Talk” Presenter
Monica Burns is an Education Consultant, EdTech Blogger, and Apple Distinguished Educator. Monica works with teachers to make technology integration exciting and accessible at all grade levels. She has conducted well over 40 unique training sessions for SimpleK12, click here to take a look at more videos from Monica.

About the Author
Kimber Thompson is a Lead Moderator for SimpleK12 webinars and a Contributing Editor for She writes frequently about education topics, and is passionate about tools and techniques that inspire young learners. You may reach her with ideas and comments at

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