How to Stop Student Interruptions During Presentations

Published On: October 21st, 2016·By ·

Have you ever been in a situtation where you wanted to stop student interruptions, but also wanted students to be able to ask their questions freely?

How to Stop Student Interruptions During Presentations

Oftentimes, we want to be able to see student feedback, and answer any questions they might have. With Google Slides, it's now possible to view student feedback without interrupting your presentation.

Whether you're teaching a classroom full of students, or speaking in front of other adults, oftentimes we want to hear the feedback and questions from those listening. What we don't always want is distracting interruptions during our presentation. Thanks to technology, there's now a way to get exactly what we want.

In the above 3-Minute Classroom Problem Solver video, SimpleK12 Teacher Learning Community trainer Jerry Swiatek explains how using Google Slides allows your students to submit their questions during your presentation.

Jerry walks you step-by-step through how it works. In a nutshell, you can turn on a Q&A feature inside Google Slides that allows students to submit their own feedback in real-time. As the presenter, you can click over to view the incoming notes at a time of your own choosing.

There are a couple things I like about this tool.

  • You can turn this feature on and off as you see fit.  So, keep the Q&A open during an entire presentation, or only during certain parts.
  • Students can vote questions up or down. This means you could instruct students to read other questions before submitting, and vote a question up if they had the same question. This would eliminate duplicates and help you realize which questions are on your students' minds the most.
  • Students can submit questions as themselves, or anonymously. This is a bit of a plus for more skittish students who may feel unnerved by asking their question in front of classmates.
  • Last, but definitely not least, it's all free! Hard to make any complaints about that one.

If you're interested in learning about more alternative presentation tools for you classroom, check out this other article, 7 Alternative Presentation Tools for Classroom Use.

Watch Take Collaboration and Projects to a New Level with Google Drive for more information on using Google Slides and other collaborative Google tools in your classroom. Join Google Certified Teacher Sarah Thomas as she explains how tools in Google Drive can take your teaching and student collaboration to a new level. Explore how students can collaborate via Google Docs and Slides, and share their ideas through Google Forms.

What types of presentation tools do you use with your students? Share your experiences in a comment on this article.

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About our How to Stop Student Interruptions During Presentations Presenter:
Jerry Swiatek is a Google Certified Innovator, as well as a Google Apps for Education Certified Trainer. He works with teachers and students helping them integrate technology into their classrooms. Click here to look at more videos from Jerry.

About the Author
Kimber Thompson is a Lead Moderator for SimpleK12 webinars and a Contributing Editor for She writes frequently about education topics, and is passionate about tools and techniques that inspire young learners. You may reach her with ideas and comments at

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