The Simple Grading Tool Every Teacher Needs

Published On: March 30th, 2016·By ·

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It's the grading tool every teachers knows and loves… in app form!

The Simple Grading Tool that Every Teacher Needs

Easy Grade – a simple grading tool every teacher can use.

Still hanging on to your old school cardboard grading calculator? You might want to check out the free Easy Grade app as another method to use when calculating your grading scales.

Easy Grade makes it easy to grade your students' papers when you don’t have the cardboard EZ Grader with you. Easy Grade has many options that make it the best grading tool on iOS.

• Adjust how many questions are on the test
• Choose whether you want to increment by half-points in case you gave partial credit (feature available via In-App Purchase)
• Choose whether you want to calculate based on number of problems right or number of problems wrong
• Increase or decrease text size to fit more or less on the screen
• Use in landscape mode on your iPad

Easy Grade

Teachers today know that every second counts. Especially when it comes to grading – I'm always happy to spend a little less time grading and a little more time doing, well, just about anything else. ;)

If you're a bit nostalgic like I am, you'll probably keep your the old cardboard grading scales nearby too. Nothing wrong with that! But I encourage you to embrace the digital age and give Easy Grade a try. Let me know what you think about this simple app in a comment on this article.

Kimber Thompson is a Lead Moderator for SimpleK12 webinars and a Contributing Editor for She writes frequently about education topics, and is passionate about tools and techniques that inspire young learners. You may reach her with ideas and comments at

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