Laurel Taylor
School Improvement Specialist

SimpleK12 had a lot of good content that addressed those needs. So we used it not only to teach inexperienced teachers but even the older teachers who needed more support. We found that it met those diverse needs. So it just worked for us.” 

SimpleK12 has been a game changer for Paragould School District 

Like many school districts across the country, the Paragould School District in Arkansas went about its business not giving much thought to the district’s evolving professional development needs for its educators. 

What was in place seemed to work just fine. 

But it was the curiosity of an IT worker in the district that changed things when he began exploring SimpleK12 and what it has to offer in terms of professional development. Matt McGowan, who oversaw the district’s technology at the time, was naturally interested in professional development in the area of technology when he first opened his personal SimpleK12 account. 

But McGowan quickly realized all the other possibilities in professional development that SimpleK12 offered. That’s when McGowan, who has since become PSD’s assistant superintendent, began pushing the idea of the district subscribing to SimpleK12 to give its educators and outlet an online resource for professional development. 

Laurel Taylor, Paragould School District’s School Improvement specialist, says it wasn’t long after McGowan’s introduction that the district bought into SimpleK12. The return on investment has been substantial, Taylor says.  

Teachers and educators from all disciplines can access online training through SimpleK12. And what is best is they can go at their own pace while taking part in the training modules at any time of the day that is convenient for them.  

Taylor sat down recently to discuss the many benefits of SimpleK12 and how the Paragould School District has used the online training platform to give its teachers and educators a substantial edge. 

SK12: What was your district using for personal development prior to SimpleK12?

“We were using a variety of things. We have a local educational cooperative that we used a lot for our PD. Of course, it didn’t offer an online platform and that was something we were very interested in for a number of reasons.  

“Of course, we always have professional development that is required by the Department of Ed, we also like to offer in-house PD. So we did a lot of our own things before we actually used an online platform like SimpleK12.” 

SK12: Can you describe some of the primary pain points of what you were using prior to using SimpleK12? 

“I think one of the best things about SimpleK12 is the accountability piece, that you have a great record of the training that you’ve had so that’s very useful and helpful. 

“Other pain things were sometimes finding enough quality content for specific areas in teaching. We were looking for something that offered more diversity and more content that can be based on individual need.” 

SK12: What finally triggered the search for a new solution to professional development? 

“Our assistant superintendent that we have now, he was in the IT department and so he was always looking for PD that was related to technology. So he found out about SimpleK12 and got a personal account. This was back in I think 2012 and this was kind of a time when technology was really becoming big. We had become a 1-to-1 school, where everyone had a computer or device. So he was trying to stay abreast of technology. 

“So he got this account and he really enjoyed it and he kind of sold it to all of us, like `Hey, let’s get a district account so that we can use this district-wide instead of just a personal account. So it really kind of evolved over time and ended up being really helpful.” 

SK12: How long had you been looking for a solution to your problem? 

“We really didn’t realize how badly we had a problem. It just kind of evolved. We thought at first, `We don’t know how much we will use it, but we will try it and see. You can always not continue it.’ And then it just kind of now feels like we can’t do without it. It’s so flexible, it’s so accessible, 24/7 access, it’s very affordable, and meets so many needs. It crosses so many Ts and dots so many Is.” 

“It’s so flexible, it’s so accessible, 24/7 access, it’s very affordable, and meets so many needs. It crosses so many Ts and dots so many Is.”

SK12: What were some of the reasons you decided to go with SimpleK12? 

“We liked that the content was very rich and diverse. We were looking a lot for technology. This was coming about during the time when technology was really becoming big and we were doing a lot of using Google Class and using Google Docs, and all of these different specific things for teaching that had to train our teachers. SimpleK12 had a lot of good content that addressed those needs. So we used it not only to teach inexperienced teachers but even the older teachers who needed more support. We found that it met those diverse needs. So it just worked for us.” 

SK12: How long have you been using SimpleK12? 

“I think as a district we’ve been using it for four or five years.” 

SK12: Do you know how many educators you have using SimpleK12? 

“Around 500.” 

SK12: What are some of the job titles or grade levels of teachers who are using SimpleK12? 

“It ranges from preschool to 12th-grade teachers. We have a variety. You have counselors, teachers, administrators, classroom teachers, art teachers, agricultural teachers, coaches … everybody.” 

SK12: How is your district using SimpleK12? How are you disbursing it? 

“One thing that we liked about it is not only can we access the content that it offers but we can kind of create our own. And a lot of times that’s a combination of content from your program and things that we might put in. But we loved designing modules and we kind choose different pieces from SimpleK12 and put together modules. One really great example I was thinking about was during COVID when we were doing so much virtual teaching. We were again trying to review technology skills. And we had people at different places as far as their skill level. So we developed three modules. We had a beginning level, an intermediate, and an advance. That way a teacher or educator can kind of pick which module really fits their needs.” 

SK12: What types of goals and tasks are you using SimpleK12 to accomplish? 

“We are using it in a variety of ways. One way of course is to get the required number of hours that teachers are required to get for licensure. Another is often based on what that staff member’s professional growth plan indicates, so that can vary because it’s pretty individualized. Principals are required to sit down with educators and have a professional growth plan meeting at the beginning and end of the year. And with that, I require them to list some professional development that is in line with what that individual’s goals are.” 

SK12: What would say are some of the biggest advantages of using SimpleK12? 

“I think some of the biggest advantages are access 24/7, it’s affordable, it’s very flexible, it holds you accountable, it provides a record of the training that you’ve received, and it’s content rich.” 

SK12: Did you use federal, state, or district funding to pay for SimpleK12? 

“We used professional funds from the district for the program.” 

SK12: How would you describe the buying process? 

“Very simple. (SimpleK12) has great customer service. Mala Chakravorty (senior account manager) is my representative, she is my go-to lady. She’s amazing, she’s smart, she’s efficient, she’s kind, and if you can’t do it or don’t feel comfortable, she will do it for you. She is the full package.” 

SK12: Can you share some details about how your district implemented SimpleK12? 

“What I do is put out a professional development plan and it’s embedded into that plan, so there will be information on how to set up an account, but usually I will set up the teachers’ accounts. It will give them login information, and how to utilize the program. Sometimes we will give them a little tutorial on how to navigate the program. But it’s very user-friendly so they don’t really have any issue with it. 

“We will direct them on exactly what PD we want them to take if it’s required or give some choice with their principal’s approval to complete their required hours.” 

“…it has just made our lives easier and we feel like we are providing quality professional development that is accessible and easy to use, holds teachers accountable, and provides a great record of their learning. It just checks that box.” 

SK12: What have your educators said about SimpleK12?

“They just seem to really like it. I think they have become more comfortable using it. I know that it’s a go-to for many people who struggle to find content that matches their needs. So I think that they are just favorable about it.” 

SK12: Prior to SimpleK12 were there issues you were concerned about and were you able to achieve that goal? 

“We were really looking for something to teach about technology and it has met those needs and then some because there are other things that are pertinent and relevant in quality within that program that teachers can use. 

“We like the freedom and the ability that we can create modules that includes a variety of different pieces from the program and tailor it to meet our specific needs.” 

SK12: Were you able to measure improvement in skills, knowledge, productivity, and time savings by using SimpleK12? 

“That’s hard to do but I do think you do see it with principals more so than myself because when they are going in and doing evaluations and walk-throughs they can see when they are learning the different technology and skills and things like that. 

“So I think it does help a lot, but they see that probably more than I do.” 

SK12: How would you say SimpleK12 has impacted your success, team success, or district success? 

“In a nutshell, it has just made our lives easier and we feel like we are providing quality professional development that is accessible and easy to use, holds teachers accountable, and provides a great record of their learning. It just checks that box.” 

SK12: Do you think the investment in SimpleK12 was worthwhile? 

“If you break it down and cost analysis, it’s very affordable. And just the ease of it in today’s world. Not having to go anywhere and do it when you can in your timeframe. It’s just a very good deal for a lot of people.” 

SK12: What is your advice to others who might be considering SimpleK12? 

“I stole that Nike slogan, `Just do It!