
If you have a Google Workspace account, you may be aware that Google Photos offers an effortless way to store and organize your photos. But did you know that, in addition to being an excellent photo backup solution, Google Photos also has many helpful tools that can be used to create images and videos for use in the classroom? Join Dr. Matt Bergman for this time-saving, to the point session as he shares tips and tricks for getting started using Google Photos. You will also walk away with a variety of suggestions for using Google Photos to connect and communicate with parents outside of the classroom.

Presented by Matt Bergman

Dr. Matt Bergman is an award-winning educator, blogger, and consultant from Lititz, PA. Matt has a rich K-12 and higher education background, serving in various roles, such as teacher, digital learning coach, and professional development leader.


  • Discover how to get started using Google Photos and how to create images and videos for use in the classroom.

  • Explore how Google Photos can be used to connect and communicate with parents outside of the classroom.

Special Technology Instructions


Participants will join a collaborative backchannel chat and discuss ideas for using Google Photos to demonstrate their understanding of the session objectives and reflect on their learning.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate SimpleK12 Certificate of Completion

Learning Credits



Attended a 30 Min LIVE Session

50 points
Achieved for selected score and over