
Choice boards are a simple strategy that teachers can use to provide their students with voice and choice in the kinds of activities they complete. Although the teacher specifies which activities the student will choose from, the student gets to choose from several sets of options that match their learning style. Join Michelle Dragalin as she shares twelve pieces of research-based evidence that support the use of choice boards in the classroom. You will also walk away with time-saving tips for designing choice boards that are adaptable to your students’ individual needs and how to incorporate them into your instructional plan.

Presented by Michelle Dragalin

Michelle Dragalin owns her business “Michelle’s Innovations” and works online as a freelance writer, educator, presenter, curriculum developer, adjunct professor and instructional designer.


  • Explore twelve pieces of research-based evidence that supports the use of choice boards in the classroom as an effective tool for differentiating instruction.
  • Design a content area or grade level specific choice board to meet the needs of diverse learners in the classroom.

Special Technology Instructions


Participants will join a collaborative backchannel chat and discuss the evidence for using choice boards to demonstrate their understanding of the session objectives and reflect on their learning.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate SimpleK12 Certificate of Completion

Learning Credits

CEU 0.50


Viewed a 30 Min On-Demand Course

25 points
for selected score and over