
Teaching is exhausting! We care for and love our students so much that we sometimes forget to care for ourselves. Join Shelly Sanchez Terrell for this hands-on, interactive workshop as she shares practical strategies for fitting wellness routines into your busy schedule, such as mindfulness practices, movement exercises, and time management techniques that prioritize self-care. Participants will also walk away with a toolkit of activities that can help them recharge, including resources for mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Additionally, participants will be able to apply these strategies to their own teaching contexts and leave the workshop feeling motivated and empowered to prioritize their own self-care and well-being.

Presented by Shelly Sanchez Terrell

Shelly Sanchez Terrell is an award-winning digital innovator, international speaker, and author of three education technology books. She has trained teachers in over 20 countries as a guest expert, consultant, and ambassador for the U.S. Embassy. Shelly was honored with a Bammy Award as the founder of #EdChat on Twitter, and her website, Teacher Reboot Camp, has been recognized as one of the top ESL, EdTech, and eLearning blogs.


  • Discover practical strategies for fitting wellness routines into a busy schedule, such as mindfulness practices, movement exercises, and time management techniques that prioritize self-care.

  • Explore different types of self-care activities that can help educators recharge, including strategies for mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

Special Technology Instructions

Participants will need access to an internet device and a non-school, personal Google account. SimpleK12’s Google Classroom will be utilized for the interactive and hands-on components of this workshop.


Participants will complete an exit ticket to demonstrate their understanding of the workshop objectives and reflect on their learning.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate SimpleK12 Certificate of Completion

Learning Credits

CEU 1.0


Viewed a 60 Min On-Demand Course

50 points
On course completion