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Are you looking for ways to make your instruction more effective and engaging for English Learners (ELs)? Research shows that targeted support and inclusive teaching practices can significantly improve English Learners’ learning outcomes. Join Shelly Sanchez Terrell for this hands-on, interactive workshop as we explore and discuss effective strategies for supporting English Learners at every grade level, fostering an inclusive educational environment. Get ready to bridge brilliance in your classroom and help your English Learners thrive! Shelly’s expertise in inclusive teaching practices will empower you with strategies to effectively support English Learners’ language development and academic success. 

Key Takeaways: 

  • Learn about the importance of adapting your teaching methods to meet the unique needs of English learners. 
  • Understand how individualized support can significantly enhance the learning experience of English learners. 
  • Discover how to keep English learners engaged and motivated in the classroom. 
  • Gain knowledge on how to assess the progress of English learners accurately and fairly. 


Participants will complete interactive assessments in Nearpod throughout the training to demonstrate their understanding of the workshop objectives and reflect on their learning.  

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