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Are you interested in learning how to respectfully integrate indigenous perspectives into your teaching practice and curriculum? Minnesota is home to eleven federally recognized Native American tribes, each with its own distinct languages, traditions, and histories spanning thousands of years. Join Naomi Louise for this hands-on, interactive workshop and discover the rich cultural heritage of Native American tribes in Minnesota, highlighting their historical significance and contemporary contributions to society. Get ready to embark on a journey to discover the vibrant traditions, customs, and contributions of Minnesota Tribal Nations! Naomi’s expertise in diversity, equity and inclusion will provide you with the resources you need to experience virtual tours of significant cultural sites, discuss of the impact of colonization on indigenous communities, explore the importance of interactive storytelling, and create a digital map displaying important landmarks and cultural sites using geographic information systems (GIS). 

This is workshop one of six for the series titled “Honoring Our Roots: Exploring the Cultural Heritage and Contributions of Minnesota Tribal Nations.” 

Key Takeaways: 

  1. Gain a deeper understanding of the cultural diversity and resilience of Minnesota Tribal Nations, including their languages, traditions, and contemporary contributions. 
  2. Learn strategies for integrating indigenous perspectives and knowledge into your teaching practice and curriculum, fostering a more inclusive and culturally responsive learning environment.  
  3. Explore resources and partnerships for collaborating with local tribal communities to enrich students' understanding of indigenous histories and contemporary issues. 
  4. Reflect on your own cultural biases and assumptions and consider how to approach teaching about Native American tribes in a respectful, accurate, and meaningful way. 

Workshop Details:

While we recommend that you attend all sessions of the workshop series to meet the learning objectives, each workshop can be attended as a standalone. Full members will also have access to view the recordings on demand and earn up to six continuing education credits. 

Special Technology Instructions:

Attendees will need access to an internet-enabled device and a personal Google account (not affiliated with their school). SimpleK12’s Google Classroom will be utilized for the interactive and hands-on components of this workshop.  


Participants will discuss the historical timeline of the impact of culture and contributions of Minnesota Tribal Nations to demonstrate their understanding of the workshop objectives and reflect on their learning.  

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