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Session Description:  

Chances are you have seen a significant increase in the number of students who are struggling with mental health, and anxiety levels have been at an all-time high since the pandemic. Join Ryan Jeffery for this time-saving, to the point session and discover strategies to counteract the stages of the anxiety cycle for the benefit of your students and yourself! You will also walk away with proactive interventions that will take your students from ruminating over worst-case scenarios to focusing on supports that will help everyone have happier days at school. 

Learning Objectives: 

  • Identify the signs and symptoms of student anxiety and strategies that counteract each stage of the anxiety cycle. 
  • Recognize the signs and symptoms of teacher anxiety and strategies that counteract each stage of the anxiety cycle. 
  • Select and implement at least one proactive Intervention in the classroom for students that struggle with anxiety.  


Participants will join a collaborative backchannel chat and discuss classroom anxiety to demonstrate their understanding of the session objectives and reflect on their learning.  

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