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Session Description: 

As dedicated educators, we recognize the critical importance of early intervention in supporting struggling readers and setting them on a path to success. Universal screeners provide valuable data insights that can guide educators in tailoring interventions, ensuring targeted support for each student. Join Chrissy Romano Arrabito for this timesaving, to the point session as explore practical approaches to using universal screening data to create personalized learning plans that support struggling readers. Get ready to explore the power of universal screeners in pinpointing specific reading challenges and informing targeted intervention strategies! Chrissy's expertise in evidence-based reading practices will provide you with the resources you need to tailor interventions to individual learners, fostering a personalized and effective learning environment. 

Key Takeaways: 

  1. Gain insights into the purpose and benefits of universal screeners in identifying struggling readers. 
  2. Learn how to interpret universal screening data to identify specific reading challenges and create targeted intervention plans. 
  3. Explore strategies for using screening data to develop personalized learning plans that address individual student needs. 
  4. Discover collaborative approaches to involve parents, fellow educators, and specialists in supporting struggling readers effectively. 

Training Details:

While we recommend that you attend all sessions of the training series to meet the learning objectives, each session can be attended as a standalone. Full members will also have access to view the recordings on demand and earn up to 3.5 continuing education credits. 

Special Technology Instructions:

Attendees will need access to an internet-enabled device and a personal Google account (not affiliated with their school). SimpleK12’s Google Classroom will be utilized for the collaborative portion of this training.  


Participants will have collaboration and sharing opportunities throughout the training to demonstrate their understanding of the session objectives and reflect on their learning.  


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