Improve Reading Skills with Podcasting

Published On: May 11th, 2016·By ·

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Are you interested in helping students improve reading skills? Here's one fun way teachers are using technology to increase literacy…

Improve Reading Skills with Podcasting

Improve reading skills with AudioBoom podcasting.

Have you been looking for practical, student-friendly ways to inject technology into your reading instruction? I recently came across an interesting article on EdSurge about improving literacy by creating podcasts with students.

With a free podcasting tool such as AudioBoom, you and your students can create and publish your own podcasts. Creating podcasts of student read-alouds gives readers the opportunity to practice pacing, expression, and intonation. It also allows students to listen back to their reading so they can reflect on their progress and work on improving before their next read-aloud.

While not as directly focused on reading as the read-aloud project, all types of podcasts are going to help students with literacy skills. Here are a few other ways you could use podcasts in the classroom:

  • Student interviews – Students interview sources for school projects, and share dialogues with a podcast.
  • Classroom discussions – Record your discussions so absent students can listen to what happened while they were out.
  • Narration from a class field trip – Have students recap the day's events so you can share with parents later on.
  • Retelling of historical event – Turn students into news broadcasters from another era and have them recount historical events. Remember to create and include faux advertising in your transmission.
  • Weekly school updates – Keep parents and the local community updated on the happenings in your school with a weekly broadcast.
  • Presidential address – Have students develop their own speeches and deliver them in a podcast, as if they were the President.

What activities do you do in your classroom to improve reading skills? Give me your best idea in a comment on this article.

Kimber Thompson is a Lead Moderator for SimpleK12 webinars and a Contributing Editor for She writes frequently about education topics, and is passionate about tools and techniques that inspire young learners. You may reach her with ideas and comments at

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